4 Keys to a Great Virtual Visit


4 Keys to a Great Virtual Visit

There is no replacing the information you can gather or feelings that are evoked when you step foot on a campus and try on the experience with your own eyes. Whenever safe and possible, we highly recommend you visit your schools of interest in person.  

That said, there are a number of reasons why that might not be possible or preferable for you and your family. You still have an obligation to your own college process to gain as full a picture as you can about the schools on your list before you submit your application. What you learn may determine whether your early decision school really is your top choice, or whether your safeties are in line with your interests.

Even if just as a precursor to a physical follow-up, virtual visits are a critical piece of the puzzle. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of them.

Take the virtual tour multiple times.

One of the benefits of seeing your prospective college online is that you can make sure not to miss a second of the tour. Rewind and replay to your heart’s content!

You will likely learn important details about the school that you can use to bolster your supplemental essays or interview answers. You will also gain a better understanding of what makes that particular school unique and be able to start envisioning yourself on campus.

You may find it helpful to take the virtual tour in parts, so you can digest what you learned without burning out. Either way, don’t be afraid to go back and re-watch the most intriguing parts before you finalize your application.

Take note of professors of interest.

Often on virtual tours and other digital offerings from the college, you will find interviews or features on work that professors and grad students are doing around campus. Pay attention to professors of interest as well as any work or cause that speaks to your passion. This could be a valuable entry point to build a rapport with that scholar.

Attend live chat sessions with specific questions already in mind.

Many schools host live discussions with admissions officers, current students, professors, and/or alums. These can be valuable opportunities for more candid dialog than you’re likely to find in a tour.

Take advantage of this access by having specific questions in mind. And while there are no stupid questions, there are some that are better than others. Ask questions that spark dialog and aren’t easily discoverable on your own. Especially if you’re interacting with an admissions officer, this can help move the needle slightly in your favor overall as well.

Ignore the comments section.

When you’re on a college’s YouTube page or viewing their social media, you’ll inevitably encounter off-putting comments or opinions that counter your own feelings. Ignore them!

Make up your own mind about how a school’s resources and offerings meet your needs. Your friends, past alums from your school, even your parents will have opinions that may not make sense for you. When you’re doing your online research, it’s doubly important to limit how much you allow yourself to be influenced by the opinions of others.

Taking these four tips into mind will help you have a strong virtual visit. Prepping in advance and debriefing after with an education consultant can help you process the information you learn and plan your next steps most efficiently. As you navigate the digital stretch of your process, we’re wishing you strong connections and thoughtful discoveries!

The expert admissions consultants at Wise World Prep have helped hundreds of students maximize their potential of being admitted to their top choice colleges and universities. Over 20 years, we have successfully guided students through each stage of the application process – from choosing competitive high school courses to building an appropriate college list to drafting winning essays to writing persuasive update and appeals letters. We would be happy to answer your questions and partner with you to create a successful admissions roadmap.

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