5 Important Factors Transfer Students Need to Know


5 Important Factors Transfer Students Need to Know

Not every college student is happy with his or her choice of school. As perspectives change and people evolve, sometimes it makes sense for students to consider transferring to a different institution to complete their degree.Ultimately, where one begins college is not as important as finding the place that will best support that student’s growth. If you’ve reached the point where you’re sure attending a different school is the right decision, the following tips will help guide your thoughts as you approach the applications.

College Grades Matter More than High School Grades

The work that you’re doing now will have a major bearing on your success in the transfer process. Admissions officers evaluate college readiness, and there is no greater indicator than actual college work.Even if you know you no longer want to attend your current college, it’s crucial that you perform to the best of your ability in the classroom. Take challenging classes relevant to what you intend to study and give maximum effort.Continue to develop meaningful relationships with your professors. Not only will you need letters of recommendation, but you’ll keep honing skills that will benefit your future endeavors.

High School Grades May Still Factor into Decisions

Especially for students interested in transferring after their first year of college, admissions officers may be interested in your longer academic history. This gives them a better sense of who you are as a student and how you are growing.Don’t be discouraged if your high school track record wasn’t all that it could have been. But be prepared to articulate how you’ve used the resources available to you at your current college to make improvements and find focus.Did you struggle in English during high school, for example? Be sure to visit the writing center regularly. Even if you don’t intend to major in a writing-heavy subject, this kind of self-improvement will help show admissions officers that you are ready for the rigors of their institution.

Being Specific is Crucial

Why do you want to transfer in the first place? Can you clearly and concisely express how your new school will equip you to accomplish your goals better than your current one?You must develop specific and compelling answers to these questions to have a successful transfer process. It’s not enough to want to go to a new school because it’s “better.” Familiarize yourself with the programs and opportunities you hope to utilize so you can craft an argument that’s personal to your goals.Most every college will ask some variation of “why are you interested in transferring?” in their application. The better you’re able to show that you’ve done the research to know specifically why, the greater the likelihood that your application will stand out from the pack.

Focus on the Positive

There is an inherent understanding in the transfer process that you’re unhappy about some aspect of your current school. It is not to your advantage to harp on the negative; rather, focus on the positive experiences you’ve had and are anticipating.If, for example, your current school doesn’t offer the major you now want to pursue, use the application to talk about the steps you’ve taken to build on your interests in spite of this.If your desire to transfer is related to social issues, avoid speaking in generalities; keep the focus on your situation, your role in making the best of it, and what you’re excited about at your future college.

Continue Making Connections Where You Are

Even though you intend to leave an institution, that doesn’t mean you can’t continue developing meaningful relationships with the people in it. Lab partners might become business partners. Professors can still become lifelong mentors.The closer you get to college graduation, the more important it is to build your professional network with people who can motivate you and support your goals. Further, investing yourself where you are will help you build strong habits that carry over to your next destination and beyond.Do not mentally check out from your current institution prematurely. There’s a reason you chose it. Get everything you can from your experience there to avoid wasting time and opportunity.The expert admissions consultants at Wise World Prep have helped hundreds of students maximize their potential of being admitted to their top choice colleges and universities. Over 20 years, we have successfully guided students through each stage of the application process – from choosing competitive high school courses to building an appropriate college list to drafting winning essays to writing persuasive update and appeals letters. We would be happy to answer your questions and partner with you to create a successful admissions roadmap.Ready to get started? Schedule a complimentary 20-minute conversation today!Want to stay informed? Subscribe to our newsletter.See what others are saying about us

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