Community College: A Great Stepping Stone


Community College: A Great Stepping Stone

As you consider your options for college this fall, do not forget about community colleges (CC). They offer general education courses at a much lower cost than traditional universities and many students may find a CC located only a few miles from their home.Despite the popular trend to enroll straight away in a four-year college or university upon graduating high school, this is not a one-size-fit-all solution. No matter how accomplished or intelligent you are, you still may require time to figure out your academic interests and to ease into the process of pursuing a higher education.Without a doubt, stigma exists around attending community colleges, but don’t let the common myths fool you. Enrolling in community college to discover your academic passions may be the very thing that sets you up for success.Take some time to consider the following three questions and reflect on your particular educational needs.

1. Have You Thought About Cost?

You may already know that community colleges cost less than most four-year institutions. On average people who complete their bachelor’s by first attending a CC take out fewer loans; but not only do they save on tuition, they also shave off the cost of room and board by commuting from home.Money is not the only thing attending a CC can save. Most students, unless they take a gap year, start their first year of college at the tender age of 18. Though they are legal adults, the transition from being a high school student living under their parents’ roof to a college student with absolute autonomy can be jarring. Before you have the chance to ease into your many new freedoms, you may be shipped off to another state, thousands of miles from home, to start your college journey.From adjusting to living in dorms, to building new friendships, to taking rigorous courses, the demands of on-campus college life can make it hard to remain focused on your studies and reap the true value of your education.Stopping first at a community college facilitates a smoother transition into adulthood, helping you to take full advantage of your education.

2. Is Being Close to Family Important to You?

There is a time to spread your wings and leave the nest, but it does not have to be right after you graduate from high school. Support systems are foundational to academic success. If it takes a village to raise a child, then how much more to have that child find her passion in life and graduate with a bachelor’s degree?Of course, you do not have to be near family to succeed through college, as plenty of students do just that when they step into the next phase of their lives. But if you feel your current social support system will amplify your success, then starting college at a community college may make you soar.  

2. Are You Interested in Diversity?

Many liberal arts colleges are doubling their efforts to recruit diverse students as a means of enhancing learning on campus. While you may study facts and algorithms in the classroom, your peers are the ones who may broaden your perspectives and challenge you to critically engage with society. Rich discussions occur when you have a breadth of intellectual thought represented among the student body.While you may interact with students from different backgrounds at a four-year university, there is nothing like the diversity of community colleges, where your classmates may range from a retired veteran studying foreign affairs to a single-mother pursuing veterinary science. Community colleges also boast the highest percentage of black and Latino students among higher education institutions.Because you will be with classmates from a greater spread of ages, you’ll learn alongside people who may have valuable life advice to share.

Tips for a Successful Transfer

While attending a community college allows flexibility, it is important to keep your eyes on the prize. Reverse engineer your educational goals to figure how out how exactly community college will be a stepping stone to your bachelor’s degree.This means mapping out the classes required for your transfer in advance, forming a close relationship with your academic advisor on campus, and being thoughtful about how you spend your time.Do your due diligence early in your education by experimenting with various transfer calculators offered by four-year universities. For those in the California higher education system, you may find the IGETC requirements helpful to know. Other universities like USC have a nifty tool interested transfer students can navigate.Find people who can support you and direct your path early. Do not show up at your academic adviser’s office only when a crisis occurs or when you’re ready to begin the transfer process. Visit him or her early on to build a relationship, make your goals known, and solicit any advice that is relevant to a successful transfer.Remember to also find opportunities for internship and student involvement on campus. This is a great way to build your work experience and embed yourself into the student community, both preparing you to more quickly adapt once you get to a four-year campus and strengthening your extracurricular profile for when you submit your transfer applications. The expert admissions consultants at Wise World Prep have helped hundreds of students maximize their potential of being admitted to their top choice colleges and universities. Over 20 years, we have successfully guided students through each stage of the application process – from choosing competitive high school courses to building an appropriate college list to drafting winning essays to writing persuasive update and appeals letters. We would be happy to answer your questions and partner with you to create a successful admissions roadmap.Ready to get started? Schedule a complimentary 20-minute conversation today!Want to stay informed? Subscribe to our newsletter.See what others are saying about us

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