Frequently Asked Admissions Questions

How Do I Make the Most out of the Summer Before Junior Year.jpg

Frequently Asked Admissions Questions

 We’re opening the vault to some of the most frequently asked questions we hear every year. Although every student’s process is unique, there are many common themes and concerns that arise. Though we explore many of these issues in depth in other posts, hopefully these quick references point you in the right direction.

How long should my list be?

There is no magic number. Every student will bring different priorities to the table that may affect their ultimate list size.  That said, there are a few important things to keep in mind to make sure your list is complete and will yield you success overall.

1.     Make sure that there are at least two safety schools on your list that you love. They should have programs that excite you and resources that will push your intellectual curiosity forward. Further, the schools on your list most likely to admit you are also generally likelier to offer scholarships or other academic perks (limited research opportunities, priority registration and housing, etc.) that could make your overall experience more fulfilling.

2.     Make sure you’ve researched every school on your list and have compelling reasons for applying. This should go without saying, but it definitely needs to be said. Especially in this increasingly competitive environment where acceptance rates are plummeting, it’s counterproductive to just apply blindly and see what prevails. This is especially true of reach schools. Be as deliberate as possible in choosing where you want to apply.

3.     Remember, the longer the list, the greater the time commitment. There are a handful of great schools that don’t require additional supplemental essays, but you will most likely add several pieces of writing to your plate for every school you apply to. If you don’t have the time or energy to create a winning application, you will have virtually no chance of gaining admissions at schools that consider more than your GPA and/or test scores.

My friends already have their essay done. Am I behind?

There is no prize for being the first student finished with their essays. In fact, finishing too early comes with the risk of neglecting opportunities to improve.

At this point in the summer, what matters is that you’ve made a strong start and are actively working on your writing. Perhaps your brainstorming process will take longer than some of your peers. Perhaps you’ll find your perfect topic quickly but need many drafts to execute it to the fullest.

If you haven’t started writing or seriously brainstorming yet, that’s a slightly different story. The time is now to put action behind intention. Before the schoolyear begins, take advantage of your time this summer. Successful students utilize the time they have to make steady progress toward their goals.

How many drafts will it take to write my personal statement?

Probably more than you think or want to hear. The truth is: no matter how great of a writer you are, this is the kind of process that requires persistence and incremental improvement. You cannot write an amazing college essay in one draft.

Every writer – from your favorite novelist to the person who writes the scripts in your favorite videogame – rewrites their work many times before it reaches its final form. You may not see the process they go through, but without it, they couldn’t produce the quality of work they do.

It’s common for students to write 5-10 drafts of their personal statement before it reaches the level it needs to be. Your process may be different. Either way, prepare yourself to keep drafting until you reach a certain quality, not a certain quantity.

The expert admissions consultants at Wise World Prep have helped hundreds of students maximize their potential of being admitted to their top choice colleges and universities. Over 20 years, we have successfully guided students through each stage of the application process – from choosing competitive high school courses to building an appropriate college list to drafting winning essays to writing persuasive update and appeals letters. We would be happy to answer your questions and partner with you to create a successful admissions roadmap.

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