How to Make the Most out of the Summer Before Junior Year


How to Make the Most out of the Summer Before Junior Year

The summer before junior year represents a major transition in the life of a high schooler. No longer are you an underclassman. College is right around the corner.  


With the added freedom to choose your schedule and leave your mark on your school comes an increasing responsibility to make decisions that will set you apart in the college process. You get to take more ownership over your activities and pursue your passions.

There’s no better time to start on this journey than the summer before junior year. Use this time wisely and you’ll be better positioned for 11th grade and beyond.

By now you hopefully have already decided how to spend your summer. Let’s focus on a few important points to remember that will help you get the most out of all your activities.

Ask Thoughtful Questions

Whether you’re taking a summer program at a college, interning, or working, make a point to seek knowledge. Asking thoughtful questions will not only help you better appreciate what you’re doing, it will distinguish you from your peers.

You may be able to secure valuable letters of recommendation from professors or supervisors if you’ve made them notice you in a positive way.

If you get the opportunity to shadow a professional at his or her job, you can gain insight to shape your future that would be unavailable except through this firsthand experience. Ask as many questions as you can about your supervisor or mentor’s career path and college choices.

As an underclassman, it was fine to just have fun with your summer. But now that your interests are taking better shape, use your time away from school to grow your skills and challenge yourself. Learning to ask thought-provoking questions is a major step in the right direction.

Shadow Leaders and Lead Where You Can

The summer before junior year is the first time many of you will get to assume leadership roles within your activities. Take advantage of it!

Transition from camper to counselor-in-training. Use the newfound freedom that came with earning your driver’s license to run errands for that local startup company you follow on Twitter. Take the initiative to plan voluntary summer workouts for your teammates.

Let your passion guide you into active participation in your activities. Don’t just be a member of the group. Make it better because of your presence.

If you aren’t in a position to lead yourself, pay close attention to those who are in charge. Study their leadership styles and reflect on what works well and what you might do differently if you had the opportunity.

Forge Your Own Path

Be an explorer this summer. Make a point to learn something new at every opportunity.

If you’re attending a camp or program housed at a college campus, see as much of that campus as you can. Go beyond the dorm and the dining hall. You might not have the chance to visit that particular place again, so make the most of it.

If you’re working in the kitchen of a restaurant but your real passion is marketing, set up a meeting to present your bosses with a social media campaign geared toward driving new business.

If you’re training for the varsity squad, don’t just practice your sport. Talk to professionals—your doctor, a nutritionist, a personal trainer—about ways to maximize your efforts.

Whatever plans you have this summer, start separating yourself from those who only put in average effort. Stray off the beaten path. You’ll be surprised at how rewarding it can be. 

Say Thank You

Make a habit of being grateful. Say thank you to all the people who help you this summer. You will probably find that they are more than happy to help you again in the future because of your positive attitude.

Gratitude has been shown to improve your capacity to form meaningful relationships and boost your health, among other things. One of the best ways you can grow this summer is by appreciating the opportunities you have and the people you encounter.

As you move forward in the college process, you will need to communicate with many adults who will play a vital role in your success. It’s important that you approach them professionally and thankfully.

Use the Summer Before Junior Year Wisely

The road to college readiness begins in earnest this summer. Make wise choices and you will launch yourself into the process with your best foot forward.

Use the tips we listed above to help you get the most out of all your plans and activities.  Even if you aren’t a rising junior yet, the advice can still apply to you and help you get an even earlier start on setting yourself apart.

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