How to Increase Your Chances of Success in Early Decision


How to Increase Your Chances of Success in Early Decision

For many 12th graders, the most important event in November isn't Thanksgiving; its early decision (ED) deadlines. By November 15, hundreds of thousands of students will have submitted an application to their first-choice college.  Applying early decision can increase your chances of gaining admission to the school of your choice. It also speeds up the process of finding out where you will spend the next four years of your education.If you have come to the conclusion that applying early decision is right for you, there are some important factors that can help increase your likelihood of success.

Make Sure You Love the School

This should be obvious, but it needs to be said. You should really, really want to attend your ED school.Don't waste an early decision application on a place that you are ambivalent about simply because you want an easier chance of acceptance. The more you love your early decision school, the easier it will be to talk about it in your applications effectively.If you have any doubt about whether you could be happy or successful at a particular place, it isn’t wise to apply early decision.

Choose Your ED School Carefully

Colleges are looking for good fits most of all. With applicants who are bound to attend if accepted, they want to make sure you’re right for them and they are right for you. Being able to express this clearly in your application will increase your chances of gaining acceptance.Make sure that the reasons you love your early decision choice are personal and practical. Don't be overly influenced by ranking and prestige. While these things do matter, and it is understandable why people care about them, they don't guarantee your success or happiness nearly as well as finding a place that complements your interests.Before you make a commitment, make sure it is a place you can actually picture yourself over the course of your college career.

Don’t Make a Last-Minute ED Decision

Deciding whether early decision is right for you should be the culmination of a thoughtful process. An increasing number of students treat early decision more as a game than a major life decision. A main problem with this is as early decision applications continue to rise, the advantage that ED used to provide continues to shrink. This is not to mention the difficulty you will have successfully completing a polished application given the time restraints.If you take proper time to think about your first-choice school and whether it makes sense for you to apply early, you will give yourself a better chance of being the type of applicant that school is actually searching to accept.

Start Your ED Application Early 

Don't underestimate the early in early decision. If you wait until the last minute to do your application, you won't be able to put in your best effort and it may show.Students who thoughtfully craft their applications have a better chance of getting in because they eliminate unnecessary errors and find every opportunity to make compelling enhancements.Also remember that your early decision applications will be due during the height of fall testing season, as well as midterms and other school-related projects. Your time will be stretched thin.But if you use the summer wisely, you can save yourself a lot of the time and stress that will inevitably pile up for students who push their applications until the last minute. Make sure you have time to get the help and guidance you need to do your finest work. 

Visit Campus

Early decision is such a big commitment that it's hard to know you're making the right choice if you haven't seen the campus firsthand.Whatever you learn from viewbooks, catalogs, or talking to people is valuable. But it's no substitute for what you can see with your own eyes. You will want to be able to envision yourself on the campus.This will make it easier to write essays and answer interview questions about why that particular school is a great fit. Most importantly, it will give you the confidence you need to know that you made the right decision.

Build a Rapport with Your Admissions Officer

Maintaining regular communication with the admissions officer assigned to read applications from your part of the world is an important part of the process.  You shouldn't try to become his or her best friend, but it is useful for them to have up to date information on your accomplishments and interests as they make their decisions.At many of America's best schools, the admissions process is holistic.  As important as your credentials are, finding students who fit together to form a well-balanced class is the goal of each school's process.By staying present on the mind of your admissions officer in a positive way, it will be easier for her to advocate on your behalf over another student with similar credentials who didn't take advantage of this opportunity.  Give your support network as much ammunition to help you as possible by demonstrating over the long run that you are professional, thoughtful, and engaging. 

Choose Your Intended Major Wisely

Part of finding an overall fit for a college includes assuring that each of their academic departments is properly filled with passionate students.If you have academic interests that are less common than say English or biology, cultivate them. You will inevitably be compared to fewer students when entering as a Latin or gender studies major than a history or English major.However, your interest in these areas must be real and substantiated through your high school courses and extracurricular activities. It's not enough to simply say that you want to study a niche subject. That will actually work against you in the process. Authenticity is key.

Consider All Your Options

Many larger universities will give you the option of applying to multiple colleges within the university. If you are somewhat flexible about what you want to study, you may increase your chances of gaining admission to the school by taking advantage of this option.When thinking about whether early decision is right for you, consider whether it's more important for you to attend that particular college or have access to a specific program. There is no right answer to this question. Each person will have different preferences, but it's important that you carefully consider them before you make your decision.

Increasing Your ED Chances   

Successful early decision applications don't happen by accident. There is a lot of careful thought and planning that go into constructing them, and into being the kind of student that your dream college would want to join its campus.It's important that you stay organized and efficient to give yourself the best odds of putting together such an application. The expert admissions consultants at Wise World Prep have helped hundreds of students maximize their potential of being admitted to their top choice colleges and universities. Over 20 years, we have successfully guided students through each stage of the application process – from choosing competitive high school courses to building an appropriate college list to drafting winning essays to writing persuasive update and appeals letters. We would be happy to answer your questions and partner with you to create a successful admissions roadmap.Ready to get started? Schedule a complimentary 20-minute conversation today!Want to stay informed? Subscribe to our newsletter.See what others are saying about us

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