The Value of Admissions Counselors: In Front of the Process & Behind the Scenes


The Value of Admissions Counselors: In Front of the Process & Behind the Scenes 

The college application process is long and complex, but it doesn’t have to be daunting. For students who start early and stay organized, the process can be rewarding and even fun. As they learn about themselves, experience personal growth, and see their hard work pay off, they come to find meaning in the process. To achieve the best results, most students need additional help from the resources their high schools offer. Hiring an admissions consultant can help them find clarity and unlock their potential. Admissions consultants go by many names—independent counselors, admissions counselors, and college coaches. Some have a less-than-stellar reputation for making unrealistic promises or infringing on the relationship between student and high school counselor. Thankfully, this isn’t true of the entire industry. A knowledgeable and honest admissions consultant can be another part of your support network, in addition to your high school, so that you receive an individualized plan for success. If you’re debating about whether it makes sense for your family to employ an independent counselor, then consider the following advantages. We work to ensure that all of our families benefit in key ways throughout the entire process.

Take the Time You Need, Not the Time You Have

Even the best high school college counselor only has a certain amount of time that he or she can spend with students. Many are overworked as they try to balance a heavy caseload of students and other school responsibilities, like teaching or coaching.In a future post, we’ll go into greater detail about how to get the most from your relationship with your high school college counselor. Your time with him or her is limited, so make sure to prepare specific questions and goals in advance for when you meet with them. When you work with an admissions consultant, you have access to his or her expertise much more freely. A good independent counselor has a manageable caseload of families, so that each student receives the time and attention that is necessary to create stand-out applications. Perhaps you need more help on one particular phase of the application process than another. Whether it’s writing great essays (stay tuned for our upcoming posts on improving your writing), identifying colleges that match your needs, enhancing your resume, or preparing for interviews, an independent counselor can give you the time and support necessary to succeed.

Learn About Yourself Through the Process

Applying to colleges shouldn’t just be transactional. It should be transformational.Spending hours reflecting, writing, and cultivating a strong application provides a wonderful opportunity for self-growth and discovery. When students fully invest in it, the process is meaningful regardless of the outcome. Working with an admissions specialist can help you extract that meaning. He or she will be able to ask probing questions and stretch your comfort zone to uncover hidden depth. Often, the why behind your choices is more valuable to admissions officers than the choices themselves. Expert counselors have the time and ability to help you better articulate your motivations in essays and interviews. This will take some of the stress and much of the guesswork out of your process, and you can redirect that energy back into doing the kind of self-reflection that will ultimately make you a more compelling applicant.

Find New Ways to Maximize Your Passions

More than helping you discuss what you’ve already done, a savvy admissions consultant can help you find ways to take your passions to a new level.Many students are concerned with finding activities that “look good” on college applications. The truth is, no activity is inherently better than another. It’s the level of mastery, distinction, and engagement students put into their activities that make them stand out.An admissions consultant can help you think about specific ways to personalize your interests or explore new opportunities for leadership. He or she can assist in every step of the process – from brainstorming ideas to talking about your experience when it’s over. Would you like to make a positive and lasting impact on your high school or home community? Are you passionate about an academic subject and want to find ways to explore it outside of what your school offers? Do you feel like you could take your hobbies further and really do or make something special? An admissions consultant can help.

Develop a Personalized Admissions Strategy

For better or worse, your high school will have a set process for advising its students. Often, it is based on past results, school priorities, and the college counselor’s workload.Hiring an independent counselor allows you the freedom to customize your approach to college applications based on your needs and preferences. You will gain an ally in the process—not to replace what your school does for you, but to supplement and enhance it. Having a great college counseling department is like having access to a gym. The system is in place to help you succeed, and you can certainly accomplish amazing things through hard work and using the right equipment. But a personal trainer can help you maximize your potential even within the system, because he or she spends time focusing just on you, supporting and challenging you when needed. Your relationship with your admissions consultant is very similar. He or she will help you approach the process, including learning how to get the most out of your high school support network, in a way that maximizes your chance for success.

Would You Benefit from Hiring an Admissions Consultant?

Applying to college is a special, (often) once-in-a-lifetime process. Position yourself to be admitted by creating thoughtful and personal applications to schools you’ve carefully chosen. The expert admissions consultants at Wise World Prep have helped hundreds of students maximize their potential of being admitted to their top choice colleges and universities. Over 20 years, we have successfully guided students through each stage of the application process – from choosing competitive high school courses to building an appropriate college list to drafting winning essays to writing persuasive update and appeals letters. We would be happy to answer your questions and partner with you to create a successful admissions roadmap.

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