What Should I Do If I’ve Been Waitlisted?


What Should I Do If I’ve Been Waitlisted?

By this point in the process high school seniors have heard back from every school to which they’ve applied and begun to digest the news. If this is you, hopefully you’re happy with your choices and you’re beginning to get excited about what next fall has in store for you.But if you're one of the many students who received a waitlist letter this year, you may still not have total clarity about where you'll begin your college career. Don't worry! We're here to help. As you weigh this very important decision, keep the following points in mind.

Accept Your Spot on the Waitlist Quickly

If you have not done so already, accept your spot right now, before you even finish reading this blog! Many colleges take note of how quickly students respond and use that information as a sign of interest.Remember, as much as you want them to say yes to you, colleges want you to say yes to them. When making decisions about who to choose from the waitlist, they are compelled to assure that the people they select will ultimately attend.Being timely with all correspondence helps keep you in this consideration.

Keep the College Updated on Any New Progress

Along with accepting your space on the waitlist, send a short but thoughtful message discussing new accomplishments, grades, and/or test scores that could help an admissions officer advocate for you. Have you recently completed a research or service project that you were working on at the time you applied? Maybe your robotics team advanced to the finals of a major competition. Highlight the ways that you’ve continued to grow as a learner and community leader.You might also include a specific reason or two why that particular college is your ideal school. Are there any classes or programs you’ve recently discovered that intrigue you? Perhaps you’ve been corresponding with a professor in a subject area of interest.Share this information with the admissions office. It will help them envision how you’ll take advantage of the resources on their campus if they admit you. This is especially useful if you haven't had the opportunity to write a supplement for the “Why College” question, or if you feel you could have done a better job of answering it.

Get Excited About Another School

It's perfectly natural and human to have your heart set on a dream school. And being waitlisted doesn't allow you to have full closure in that process just yet. But it’s very important that you approach the school you’ve sent a deposit with an open mind.If you’ve selected your list properly, you should have been accepted to multiple schools that fit who you are. The more you spend time getting excited about where you've deposited—searching through the catalog for fascinating classes, connecting with prospective roommates, and finding clubs and organizations that excite you—the better you'll feel regardless of what ultimately happens with the waitlist.Allow yourself the freedom to appreciate the opportunities for growth and enrichment that you do have. There were great reasons for why you chose to deposit at the school you did. While you’re holding out hope for the college that waitlisted you, don’t undervalue the wonderful experiences you’ve signed up for.It’s a common human trait to want something more because we can’t have it and, likewise, appreciate something less because we already do have it. This instinct extends much farther than the college process. Recognizing how much of your feelings are due to the “breadcrumbing” effect of being on the waitlist can help you keep a proper perspective.

Remember Your Worth

What makes a particular university right for you depends on how well you can take advantage of its unique opportunities. Remember that you are bringing all your passions, interests, and potential to the table.The name of the school on the diploma is less important than the name of the person on it. Whether or not you get accepted off of the waitlist at your top choice, all that you need to have a successful, impactful college career is already within you.It’s hard not to think about the college process in terms of success and failure. But ultimately, what matters most is not the people or places that tell you “no.” It’s what you do with the yesses that determine your success.

A Helping Hand in the Process from Start to Finish

The expert admissions consultants at Wise World Prep have helped hundreds of students maximize their potential of being admitted to their top choice colleges and universities. With over 50 years of collective experience, we have successfully guided students through each stage of the application process – from choosing competitive high school courses to building an appropriate college list to drafting winning essays to writing persuasive update and appeals letters. We would be happy to answer your questions and partner with you to create a successful admissions roadmap.Ready to get started? Schedule a complimentary 20-minute conversation today!Want to stay informed? Subscribe to our newsletter.See what others are saying about us

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