
The Stanford Summer Humanities Institute 


Not for credit or grade, Stanford Summer Humanities Institute encourages participants to tap into Stanford University's excellence in the humanities and social sciences—exploring texts and ideas at a profound level, writing college-level papers, and communicating complex arguments in their academic writing and discussion sections. Courses meet each day (Monday through Friday): in-person classroom discussions led by Stanford faculty in the morning, and discussion sections led by graduate student teaching assistants in the afternoon. Stanford Summer Humanities Institute provides not only enriching academic experiences, but also engaging learning communities that foster critical thinking, promote personal growth, and inspire lifelong learning outside of the classroom. Outside of the academic coursework, students will have opportunities to engage and build community with their peers through a variety of workshops and recreational activities. The program is open to students who are minors in grade 10 and 11 at the time of application submission. Participants who will be 18 years or older during the program will not be eligible.

Reach Cambridge


Since 2005, we have been welcoming students from all around the world to share in a truly international experience. Our rich curriculum of academic tuition and research, group activities, excursions, and social events provides a truly formative and memorable experience. We offer two, four & six week programs during the summer for students aged 14-18 and are accredited by the British Accreditation Council.

Telluride Association Summer seminars


The Telluride Association Summer Seminar (TASS) is a free, six-week summer educational experience for high school sophomores and juniors. TASS prepares and inspires promising young students to lead and serve through transformative educational experiences rooted in critical thinking and democratic community. Telluride Association covers all program costs for every student, including tuition, books, room and board, field trips, and facilities fees. Students with financial need may apply for additional assistance with travel costs and a subsidy to replace summer earnings.

In TASS, students study how power and privilege shape social structures through courses in humanities and social sciences, in two areas of study.

  • TASS-CBS (Critical Black Studies) offers seminars that explore topics within history, politics, literature, art, and other intellectual and cultural contributions from people of African descent.

  • TASS-AOS (Anti-Oppressive Studies) considers systems of power and oppression including white supremacy, patriarchy, and classism, and considers ways to transform society.

TASS applications are open to all high school sophomores and juniors (“rising juniors” and “rising seniors”). Participants must be at least age 15 and no older than age 18 at the start of the program (June 23, 2024). Both US and international students are welcome to apply. We admit applicants from all backgrounds, and welcome applications from Black and indigenous students, other students of color, and/or students who have experienced economic hardship. We seek students who are intellectually curious, community-minded, and self-motivated.

Open Yale Courses (Registration not required; no course credit available)


Open Yale Courses (OYC) provides lectures and other materials from selected Yale College courses to the public free of charge via the Internet. The courses span the full range of liberal arts disciplines, including humanities, social sciences, and physical and biological sciences.

The online courses are designed for a wide range of people around the world, among them self-directed and life-long learners, educators, and high school and college students. The integrated, highly flexible web interface allows users, in effect, to audit Yale undergraduate courses if they wish to. It also gives the user a wide variety of other options for structuring the learning process, for example downloading, redistributing, and remixing course materials.

Each course includes a full set of class lectures produced in high-quality video accompanied by such other course materials as syllabi, suggested readings, and problem sets. The lectures are available as downloadable videos, and an audio-only version is also offered. In addition, searchable transcripts of each lecture are provided.